Monday, April 28, 2008

Welcome to the Second Riddle

Here it is:

My most famous film has me in space

Battling man’s technology

But in this film someone is missing

And I’m as crazy as can be.


Anonymous said...

On to part 3...

Anonymous said...

ok, I'm here, but STILL can't go anywhere ... I think I get the most famous film, but ...

Greg said...

The most famous film is 2001. The other one involves someone who's...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but I've been inputting every film I can think of of Kubrick's, quite a few of them involve crazy folks, you know ... I've never been very good at these things.

Greg said...

Oh Rick, I'm just getting back here after work. It was Keir Dullea talking in the riddle, not Kubrick.